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Patient-Centered Treatment

At Be Better Chiropractic, we hear your story and take a detailed history. To that end, we create an individualized treatment plan including Treatment & Therapy aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together.

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Soft Tissue Therapy

Muscle, bone, fascia, skin, and other connective tissue are all interdependent, so improving soft tissue function is an important part of our chiropractic care. Soft tissue therapy reduces internal scar tissue, improves blood flow, and reduces tension in muscle, tendons, ligaments, and fascia, allowing for improved functional movement.
We use multiple techniques, including Myofascial Release, Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization; "Graston", and Trigger Point Therapy to treat areas that are restricted, underfiring, or compensating for injury or misalignment elsewhere in the body. We often use soft techniques together with chiropractic adjustment, according to the needs of the patient.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is a type of alternative medicine used to help ease pain, enhance circulation, remove toxins, relieve sore and tight muscles, and decrease inflammation. The technique applies suction cups to the skin along  fascial restrictions, which decompresses and optimizes tissue function.
While cupping may temporarily produce a red or purple circular area, the tissue is not bruised or injured. Instead, the lifting of the skin has increased local circulation, allowing stagnant blood, fluid and toxins to come to the surface so the body can dissolve it more easily. Cupping is often used to complement chiropractic care and soft tissue work, but is also offered as a treatment on its own.

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Percussion Therapy

The Hypervolt device uses rapid percussion to stimulate soft tissue. The device is effective at improving circulation, reducing pain, releasing trigger points, decreasing lactic acid build-up, breaking up soft tissue adhesions, and increasing lymphatic flow. It also helps loosen tight muscles and stimulate weak ones, addressing imbalances in the body and improving posture and movement.


Kinesiology taping can help treat sports injuries, swelling, aches and pains, dysfunctional movement patterns, postural faults, proprioceptive dysfunction and under- or overused muscles.
We customize taping for your specific needs, whether it’s keeping you in the game, supporting the healing process, or improving your function and performance.

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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a form of manual care that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, which in turn affects the nervous system. The nervous system controls all systems in the body. Restrictions in the spine and other joints can alter nerve function, which can affect many other functions in the body. Chiropractic care helps to introduce movement in the spine, restore optimal function in the nervous system, and support the body’s natural ability to heal.

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